Attach with built-in magnets, replaceable adhesive or suction mounts to transform a building partition into a microphone diaphram. The WASP™ mic provides instant insight into activities, readiness or planning of unseen suspects on the inside.
Born of lab-grade signal capture technology, the WASP™ Tactical Contact Microphone's evolution has been driven for over ten years by real-world use and feedback from critical incident professionals on the job.
Monitoring Denied-Access Audio™ in real time informs decisions and keeps tactical operators and citizens alike safer during critical incidents or high-risk warrant-service and arrest operations.
Complete ready-to-go kits. We've got you covered.
Add to any kit one or more TAMC series Tactical Audio Monitoring Consoles, each with two or four WASP™ mic channels, optional easy-to-use audio filtering controls, and four independent stereo headphone outputs for real-time monitoring by the whole team.